Career Focus Inventory is a self-assessment tool designed to help individuals identify their career anchor, and think about how their values relate to your career choices. Regardless of their present job or career, an individual’s future career decisions will be easier and more valid if they have a clear understanding of their own preferred orientations toward work, their motives, values, and self-perceived talents.
Research conducted into Career Anchors shows that most people see themselves in terms of one of eight categories, or types. In the Career Focus Inventory we describe these eight types as – The Specialist – The Manager – The Consultant – The Investor – The Entrepreneur – The Vocationalist – The Competitor and The Juggler.
Career Focus Inventory is a practical tool that can be used in the career counselling process to give insights and raise self-awareness, and to facilitate reflection and discussion about future career decisions and choices. Career Focus Inventory is an easy-to-administer online questionnaire which poses 40 questions for an individual to answer relating to their feelings towards work and social situations, and people and work colleagues. Based on the responses, the Career Focus Inventory report provides a description of the individual’s dominant and secondary Career Focus type. This description can then be used to facilitate greater understanding of the motivating needs in the individual’s career.