OCEAN 50 measures the ‘Big Five’ factors of personality:

Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and emotional resilieNce

The ‘Big Five’ theory is one of the most highly tested and universally accepted explanations of personality that exists today.

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Engaging Leadership 360

An online 360° feedback tool for use with executives and senior managers measuring leadership competences and behaviours shown by extensive research to be associated with leadership success.

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Career Focus Inventory

Career Focus Inventory is a self-assessment tool designed to help individuals identify their career anchor, and think about how their values relate to your career choices. Regardless of their present job or career, an individual’s future career decisions will be easier and more valid if they have a clear understanding of their own preferred orientations toward work, their motives, values, and self-perceived talents.

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  • OCEAN 50
  • Engaging Leadership 360
  • Career Focus Inventory
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